Valorant gay rule 34

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It was determined that on at least two occasions Sinatraa misrepresented certain facts, made false statements, and did not cooperate with the investigation in a way expected of a professional Valorant esports player. The competitive operations team had serious concerns with Sinatraa’s conduct during the course of the investigation. At the time, Won was indefinitely suspended by both Riot, which develops Valorant and organizes most online competitions, and Sentinels, the team for which he plays.Īccording to Riot, this latest suspension is related to Won’s behavior during the investigation.

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The investigation stems from an allegation dating back to March of this year, when Won was accused of sexual abuse by a former girlfriend, which was supported by recordings and screenshots of messages. Professional Valorant player Jay “Sinatraa” Won has been suspended for six months by Riot Games for “failing to fully cooperate” with an ongoing investigation into an allegation of sexual assault.

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